Phlare's product packaging

Phlare's Hubble Science Cards – 40 full-color 3” x 5” question and-answer cards featuring stunning imagery captured by the Hubble Space telescope, covering star formation, light years, gravity, the Big Bang, pulsars, supernovae, extrasolar planets, black holes, and much more.

The Cosmology Information Sheet covers the origin of the universe, what makes it up, and what will happen to it. It also includes information on special and general relativity, as well as a listing of observatories in the U.S., Canada and in space.

The 24” x 36” Hubble Information Sheet shows the telescope & its instruments, describes the optics and each primary instrument, and lists the six Hubble Shuttle missions on the front. On the back of the two-sided sheet, there are three sections – Hubble’s origins, its future and Hubble’s greatest scientific achievements.

The 18” x 24” Solar System Information Sheet includes scale images of the planets, Sun and dwarf planets as well as their orbits on one side; and information on the formation of the solar system, solar system exploration and water and life in the solar system on the other.
Solar System Science Cards – 25 full-color, 3” x 5” question-and-answer cards cover the eight planets, three dwarf planets, Sun, Moon, meteors, comets, asteroids, extrasolar planets and more.

Phlare's Lunar Map – This 9” x 4” sheet folds out to 18” x 24”. One side contains a 13” x 24” full-color map of the Moon, as well as lunar statistics, terminology, features & benefits. The back lists all of the lunar missions and information on returning to the Moon.

Mars Map & Information Sheet – this 9” x 4” map folds out to 36” x 24”. One side contains a beautiful full-color map of Mars, along with Mars statistics and terminology. The full-color back lists all of the Martian missions, with a special section on the Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity and their findings, especially regarding water. It also includes imagery and information on physical features and information on traveling to and staying on Mars.